Projects with this topic
ER Assistant diagram notation using PlantUML
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Overview of the Unified Modeling Language
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Serveur PlantUML configuré avec ytt de Carvel.
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this project contains a Jekyll Docker Image with :
PLant UML generationUpdated -
code documentation for TinyWeatherForecastGermany
generated using javadoc by (@eUgEntOptIc44)
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Diagramme de composants avec icônes Kubernetes.
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classy creates PlantUML class diagrams based on your LabVIEW code. It can render the image for you or just provide you with PlantUML text.
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Thesis build system to write your thesis in markdown and generate a pdf. It can run on GitLab CI or locally using pandoc with plantuml and mermaid support.
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Just a playground for docs-as-code approach
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Deploy Plantuml to kubernetes(base on microk8s) using helmfile and gitlab-ci
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Visual Paradigm's plugin for importing and exporting diagrams from/to text format (supporting PlantUML yet only).
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A PlantUML template | Un modèle pour PlantUML
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Plugin for generating UML diagrams with PlantUML from within Gedit.