Projects with this topic
R package to access the API of ACLED and retrieve conflict event data.
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A C++ implementation of random forests for fast prediction
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Die Skripte ermöglichen ein automatisiertes Reporting über veröffentlichte Open Access-Artikel und verausgabte Mittel im Rahmen von Open Access-Publikationsfonds sowie Transformationsverträgen.
Webseite: https://leasat.gitlab.io/open-access-reporting/
Releases: https://gitlab.com/LeaSat/open-access-reporting/-/releases
Archivierte Versionen auf Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6638788
Artikel in B.I.T. Online: https://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2022-04-fachbeitrag-satzinger.pdf
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Helpers for splines used in age-period-cohort models
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Lecture material for the Bootcamp of Modeling for Master Neuronal and Cognitive Systems, Université Côte d'Azur, 2022.
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Cat Food diets investigation. This repository contains all the scripts and tables used for the research manuscript. UPDATES NEEDED when manuscript accepted/published
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INDAthon Data Project Nama : Nurmawiya Unit Eselon II : BPS Provinsi Kepulauan Riau Satker : BPS Kabupaten Natuna
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Utility functions to convert afex and emmeans table outputs into APA in-text format
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Website for the useR! 2024 conference. This is a fork of the satRdays theme.
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I worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Computational Cognitive Neuroscience (UZH) from 2017 to 2020, contributing to a project led by Prof. Dr. Dr. Dominik R. Bach at the Bachlab.
My tasks included:
•Developing an online experiment focused on approach-avoidance behavior. •Creating an online game as part of the experiment. •Hosting MySQL servers and conducting statistical analyses of the data using R.
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I worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Computational Cognitive Neuroscience (UZH) from 2017 to 2020, contributing to a project led by Prof. Dr. Dr. Dominik R. Bach at the Bachlab.
My tasks included:
•Developing an online experiment focused on approach-avoidance behavior. •Creating an online game as part of the experiment. •Hosting MySQL servers and conducting statistical analyses of the data using R.
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Materials and resources for the teaching unit "Morphometrics with R" (University of Bordeaux, Summer School, 2024). Website.
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📦 camtrapmonitoring is an R package for planning and evaluating camera trap surveys and (soon) estimating wildlife density. Formerly named {wildcam}.Updated -