Projects with this topic
Ansible collection for Data Science related tools
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🌱 Personal Website v3.0Updated -
Documents à disposition des participants pour la formation Urfist « Écrire un article reproductible avec Quarto ».
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This is the repository for the blog for my company known as Virtus Solutions.
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A Quarto post-render project script for attaching XSL files to XML.
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A Lua script designed for Quarto to display the reading progress of a document as a progress bar in HTML format.
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An example of a quarto website deployment to GitLab pages:
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A docker image with quarto and R support.
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Quarto templates for reports, presentations etc in the design for various projects
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Digital Landscapes in Interdisciplinary Mountain Research: Unearthing Insights in Earth System Sciences through Cross-Fertilization of Knowledge and Technologies