Projects with this topic
Este proyecto es un ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) desarrollado para la Constructora Vladimir Robinson Brand Endia E.I.R.L.. Creado en MERN con una app en Android en ReactNative.
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Aplicación móvil en React Native conectada a un servidor MERN con MongoDB Atlas y FTP, diseñada para la gestión de proyectos de software por estudiantes de la Universidad del Bío-Bío.
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Cette application utilise firebase et la techno react pour simuler une application qui fonctionne comme doctolib ( système de réservation de rendez-vous , notification , ajout au calendrier , reminders ...)
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Mini project to learn React Native Slicing UI
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Social application developed for the use of real-time chats.
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Projeto da disciplina de Linguagens Emergentes referente a 2022/2.
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Curso React Native: Desenvolva APPs Nativos para Android e iOS!
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A simple companion sailling app, using marine API, barometer and location from the native components.
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React Native augmented reality app to discover nearby venues using foursquare API, uses geolocation and compass to set your position in the world.
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A Boilerplate ReactNative Application with all necessary dependencies preinstalled to kickstart your project quick with minimal setup. It also has full support for androidX with Hermes JavaScript and runs on react native 0.60.X with continuous update
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Cloning gojek app using react native
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