Projects with this topic
Porn-Vault is a self hosted organizer for adult videos and imagery.
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Playlist / karaoke session manager and player
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Portal de cursos :: Frontend
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Storybook AddOn that incorporates PostCSS Preprocessor over CSS Modules with Sass support
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Robust Designsystem som säkerställer hög tillgänglighet, stabil drift och effektiv livscykelhantering för digitala tjänster.
Stöd för Web Components, React, Angular och Figma.
✌ ️Updated -
Skeleton project to get up and running in React alongside the SKAO guidelines and best practices including testing, linting, CI/CD pipelines, universal directory layout etc
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Hey is a decentralized and permissionless social media app built with Lens Protocol
🌿 Updated -
🏡 My humble abode on the World Wide Web. https://jarv.isUpdated -
Linkcitos es una página hecha en ReactJS y TypeScript que te permite compartir tus enlaces de interés en un solo lugar. La página tiene un estilo elegante y utiliza Tailwind CSS.
El proyecto se encuentra bajo la licencia GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.
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Check if eligible for UK rail fare refunds
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This project is a versatile template designed for future React projects, equipped with essential tools and features. It includes Storybook, Cypress, Jest, and TypeScript to facilitate a robust development environment. Moreover, commit hooks have been implemented to maintain project quality by preventing commits that may break any tests within the project, ensuring a seamless and efficient development workflow.
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Программная система для сопровождения психотерапии и самостоятельной проработки психологических проблем.
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This project walks you through the 'Next.js App Router course' at "".
You can keep track of the commit history to see respective changes for each step.