Projects with this topic
My First C++ and SFML game project based on the classic Space invaders game.
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A crossover of the games 'The Guild' and 'The Patrician'.
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Einfache Anzeige (und Vergleich) von Bibelübersetzungen am PC (Win, Linux).
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C++ Hard-coded Additive Digital Synthesizer
Additive synthesizer with hard-coded effects (and fonts... :)).
Features: computer keyboard controls, ASDR envelopes, polyphony, additive oscillators, wavetables
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Program which reads a MIDI file, and displays its contents as a real-time piano roll animation.
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A Force-Directed Graphing library, built in C++. https://metaquarx.gitlab.io/forcegraph
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Turn-by-turn space game created from scratch in c++ using SFML.
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Just a pretty simple game written in C++ and SFML
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toolchains for developpement
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sfml framework used to create small games/graphics. The point of this is to have a "framework" that you can clone and continue off working on your project without worries about states, resource managers and such. Contributions are welcome.
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A framework/sandbox for the implementation of cellular automaton.
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Simple & Slow Multimedia Library based on SFML which is Simple & Fast
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