Projects with this topic
Multidimensional arrays for C++. (Not an official Boost library) GitHub mirror:
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My attempt at building STL (standard template library) for C
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Connector Case modifications for easier usage and purposes
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A python code to compute view factors between planar faces
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A library with the 3D models I made of stuff in my home - including my home itself which I created in SweetHome3D.
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Random 3D Printable Designs
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All left code from labs 1-3 years(university studing)
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A simple utility for converting 3D Manufacturing Format (3MF) formatted files
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An implementation of STL interfaces for embedded environments: simplified, no RTTI, exceptions and libstdc++, public domain license
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✩ PROJET ACADEMIQUE - 1ère année de cycle ingénieur - Systèmes embarqués
☛ Objectif: Générer des courbes 3D sous format STL avec utilisation de listes chaînées
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Header-only library that allows to serialize STL data structures in binary format with Qt QDataStream.
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Standard compliant implementation of optional<T>
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The first project for my advanced C++ course on second year of undergraduate at the University of Warsaw. The program handles tram courses and tickets for them. Given certain route, it finds optimal tickets for it.
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