Projects with this topic
This is repository for university laboratories about Digital Signal Processors Architectures.
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Driver for ili9486display controller, it was developed using a nucleo board, since it does not have a PMP was needed implement it, it has three ways to send the data, through a bit field, spaming the data over all the GPIO ports, or spreading the data over all the ports using DMA .
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Driver for ili9341 display controller, it was developed using a nucleo board, since it does not have a PMP was needed implement it, it has two ways to send the data, through a bit field or spaming the data over all the GPIO ports.
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SerialCom is a multithreaded program writen in C to communicate through the serial port.
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An open source, Nintendo 64 cartridge and save file reader with a focus on clean structure and documentation
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LEM speech recognition device, designed for Signal Processing lecture.
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Lightweight USB device Stack for STM32 microcontrollers
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A repository for my STM32MP157F-DK2 documentation
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My simple knowledge sheet and helper for programming on STM32.
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Electronic Device Control library for microcontroller applications
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From-Scratch bare metal development of a STM32F429ZI on an STM32F4-Discovery board. Everything is hand written and used to understand all processes of embedded application (especially building, vectors, and runtime and startup).
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Site des présentations des tutoriels de STM32Python . Les présentations sont réalisées en remarkjs.
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Firmware for an IoT cloud-based magnetometer system using a ST B_L4S5I_IOT01A dev board.
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STM32 beacon project source code with support for Eddystone and i Beacon
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This is a sample code that reflects my coding style. This is a data logger project using STM32CubeMX, Keil, FreeRTOS, and CMSIS designed to be run on an STM32 platform. I try to implement it as a modular and reusable code, which can be used in other projects ;) Notice: No refactoring and MISRA-C rule check has been performed for this project, due to the lack of time. So you can find some violent actions on pointers or lack of the asserting cases in that code.
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Automatic light with a STM32, PIR AM312 sensor and a photo-resistor.
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This is a higher level API (or HAL) for using the serial port (USART1, USART2, USAR3, etc.), intially developed on the Blue Pill (STM32F103C8) with libOpenCM3.
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