Projects with this topic
WiFi/BLE communication module (M&M WiFi/BLE Board)
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Code for controlling NeoPixel LEDs using the USART peripheral in tinyAVR 0-, 1- and 2-series and future AVRs like AVR DA/DB
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9 bit UART implementation for the RP2040. This uses the parity bit as a 9th bit. PIO would probably be the more elegant option but it works
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Based on Serial Flash from usedbytes, still a Work in Progress
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Set of simple modules to communicate via UART
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Librería en python para interactuar con la pantalla tft de 2,2 pulgadas JC22-v05 que trabaja únicamente comunicándose por Serial
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SerialCom is a multithreaded program writen in C to communicate through the serial port.
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МГТУ / 7 семестр / Микропроцессорные системы / Курсовой проект
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User interface core that allow interact with user via UART mainly. Require to define "user UI" which define set of functions and rules.
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Serial communication tool written in Python 3
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This is a higher level API (or HAL) for using the serial port (USART1, USART2, USAR3, etc.), intially developed on the Blue Pill (STM32F103C8) with libOpenCM3.
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Simple project which just sample data from accelerometer, while PC capture them and perform advanced processing.
Device should be configurable and allow easy interfacing with PC
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C++ Hardware Abstraction Library for STM32 and other ARM microcontrollers
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Прошивка для микроконтроллера на базе STM32F103C8T6 на базе HAL. Поддержка 16 реле, UART, I2C, CAN
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A Simple Bootloader over UART for S32K144 using the evaluation board S32K144-EVB.
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Base móvil programada con MicroPython y ESP01 para la transmision de datos via WiFi,control de motores con Arduino y codigo de Python. Util además para concursos de Fútbol Robótico.