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acme.sh本地IP一键证书申请脚本(支持80端口独立模式与DNS API模式,支持单域名与泛域名),已支持Cloudflare/腾讯DNSPod/阿里Aliyun托管解析平台DNS API申请,已集成x-ui-yg、Hysteria-yg、Naiveproxy-yg、Tuic-yg、sing-box-yg脚本的自动识别功能
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This client will consume the video_streaming_services api, where we can upload and select a video to play in chunks trough kafka
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Just a library to embed graphviz in a C# project, Allowing to display svg, in live, from a dot description,
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Localization CLI tool. Code generated localization, maintained by few, simple commands.
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A standalone CLI to use the right Flutter SDK version per project.
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A desktop application to ease creating JSON schemas and objects based in them.