Projects with this topic
Algorithms Exercises solved in C (GNU11), running with CMake and Catch2 (C++) unittest framework. Developed with TDD.
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Algorithms Exercises solved in C++17, running with CMake and Catch2 unittest framework. Developed with TDD.
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git-gamble is a tool that blends TDD (Test Driven Development) + TCR (test && commit || revert) to make sure to develop the right thing
😌 , baby step by baby step👶 🦶Updated -
Webship-js is an Automated Functional Acceptance Testing tool. Helps to ease and speed the work with the End-to-end testing features in web apps or projects. Utilizing Nightwatch.js and Cucumber-js. Having custom and advanced general step definitions.
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TDD Examples and a Few Small Hacks |
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Un kata pour tester les compétences et les bonnes pratiques d'architecture logicielle
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worker is a simple android application for keeping track of time spent on various projects
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How outside-in test driven development provides concrete business value.
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Simple, but realistic, example of test driving a Go web service from the outside in.
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A REST api written in TypeScript using NodeJS and Express to be consumed by blogs with some social friendly features
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The MegaMart Checkout Software Module enhances the online shopping experience by ensuring accurate cost calculation, stock verification, age compliance, and error handling. Real-time calculations, intuitive UI, and robust error handling optimize user experience. Testing includes acceptance and unit tests, CI/CD pipelines, and static analysis tools for code review. Implementation involves Python coding, unit testing using PyUnit, Test-Driven Development and bug fixing.
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A demonstration of building a web application using Gin (Go) and React (JavaScript) with test-driven development.
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This is a back-end, Spring Boot project, hexagonal architecture based, that tries to show my own skills and knowledge level, designing and implementing Java applications by the Spring Framework.
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Companion repository for Python Summit 2022 talk "Never Write Scripts Again".
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An http implementation of the FizzBuzz game
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Projet support pour le meetup TDD. Le projet est écrit en javascript. Il utilise le framework Jest pour la gestion des tests unitaires.
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Simple Test Driven Development (TDD) example