Projects with this topic
Webship-js is an Automated Functional Acceptance Testing tool. Helps to ease and speed the work with the End-to-end testing features in web apps or projects. Utilizing Nightwatch.js and Cucumber-js. Having custom and advanced general step definitions.
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How outside-in test driven development provides concrete business value.
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A REST api written in TypeScript using NodeJS and Express to be consumed by blogs with some social friendly features
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A demonstration of building a web application using Gin (Go) and React (JavaScript) with test-driven development.
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Projet support pour le meetup TDD. Le projet est écrit en javascript. Il utilise le framework Jest pour la gestion des tests unitaires.
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Hecha en directo con el objetivo de ver que tal es la kata haciendo TDD despacito, aunque con lo cansado que estaba el copy/paste salía sin querer queriendo ;P
Dirección del directo:
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NodeJs, Typescript, TDD, DDD, Clean Architecture and SOLID
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Cours de tests unitaires pour l'IUT en 2022
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Jest - Node - TDD || Count incrementally, replacing any number divisible by three with the word "fizz", and any number divisible by five with the word "buzz", if the division of the number is zero remainder between both "Fizz-Buzz.
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Typescript project with good practices.
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NewStore TDD Code Challenge: Mars Rover
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Second app for testing react with Jest - Enzyme, this time with Hooks and Context The purpose of this project was to learn how to use Jest and Enzyme under a TDD approach, also using React Hooks and Context
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First app for testing react with Jest - Enzyme with React - Redux. The purpose of this project was to learn how to use Jest and Enzyme under a TDD approach.
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How do you test drive an XState machine in Javascript