Ubuntu Touch
Projects with this topic
A native app for Ubuntu Touch to track how much time you spend for what
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A customizable yet simple browser for Ubuntu Touch.
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A single bit of information is made visible to everyone on the network. The network can the your LAN or the Internet. Just like in Gotham City, anyone on the network (including the bad guys) can see the Batsignal and the responder contacts base via another channel to get the Batsignal switched off. All this app does is look for the signal and alarm the phone or tablet user. It does NOT use any third party stuff like push notification systems because this is truly free, open source (& secure) software.
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Chat with your friends from Ubuntu Touch: http://fluffy.chat
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Taquin, a classic puzzle game for Ubuntu Touch
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A native app for Ubuntu Touch to record time series on your phone.
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Ubuntu Touch Webapp for the Universal Celestial Calendar app.
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