Projects with this topic
A template project for the UniteLabs CDK to jump-start a new connector development project. The connector factory helps with the basic setup of the boilerplate code. The CDK is available here:
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This is the repository for the Munich Lab Automation Meetup Episode 7 UniteLabs Coding Challenge. The event takes place on the 13th of February 2025. The challenge is about optimizing a dye mixing process using a Hamilton STARlet pipetting robot and a BMG Labtehc PHERAstar FSX plate reader. Participants compete on the time and number of iterations they need to get closest to the UniteLabs peacock teal RGB colour code.
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Simulated thermocycler for demo purposes.
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A SiLA 2 1.1 compliant connector that enables control of the FluentControl software of the Tecan Fluent pipetting robot. This connector uses the VisionX COM API of the FluentControl software. It provides endpoints to control and monitor the execution of pipetting methods.
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A SiLA 2 1.1-compliant connector for the BlueVary and BlueInOne off-gas analytic devices from BlueSens gas sensor GmbH. The connector is based on the UniteLabs CDK.