Projects with this topic
Cowsay written in Sinclair BASIC for TC 2048 (ZX Spectrum 48K clone)
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An attempt to simulate the ZX Spectrum's display in HTML/CSS
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Developer's tools for retro-platforms, mainly for ZX Spectrum compatible computers.
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Play ZX Spectrum AY tunes - now with PulseAudio backend
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Binary files to ZX Spectrum .tap tape file converter to be used in ZX Spectrum emulating software.
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A Turbo Sound FM compatible programmable sound generator interface for any ZX Spectrum
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Wayland port of a ZX Spectrum emulator, intended to develop into a login manager and screen locker. Derived from Rastersoft's fbzx emulator, aiming for integration there.
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TZXDuino with ODROID-GO support. Heavily refactored. Based on TZXDuino v1.17 by Andrew Beer, Duncan Edwards, et al.
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Assembler source file preprocessor
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A multi-purpose, hardware developer-oriented DIY PCB with buffered I/O expansion/extension and a breadboard/prototyping area, suited to all Sinclair ZX Spectrum models. For the ZX Next, it adds bus level-shifting and (de)inverting the BUSREQ line.
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Source files of "White stars" demo ( 2nd place at BASE-X 2015 compo