Projects with this topic
See Tackler-NG for all future tackler development
Tackler is accounting engine and reporting tool for text based double entry accounting system.
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This Beancount sub-project can be considered the "main" entry point for folks who want to get started with the complete set of sub-projects! Clone just this repo, and then run the "clone-all-other-repos.ps1" script to automatically grab the others.
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Cordite is an open source project creating open source DeFi features for Corda. Cordite continues to make leading-edge features available to the Corda community.
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A simple script to convert Metro Bank CSV statements to the Xero manual import format.
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A program to automatically create invoices from a database of customers and transactions.
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The credit commons protocol, is at the technical level, a set of APIs described in docs/openapi3.0. The rest of the repository is the reference implementation of the protocol, with some other documentation.
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Cordite is an open source project creating open source DeFi features for Corda. Cordite continues to make leading-edge features available to the Corda community.
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Um pequeno programa em PHP para Ciências Contábeis, de código aberto. “Pouco eficiente, e apenas para intranet/localhost, porém quebra o galho.”