Projects with this topic
Small container of Supysonic based on Python Alpine Linux image
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Small container of Polaris based on Alpine Linux
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Small container of DavMail based on Alpine Linux
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Small container of Tor client based on Alpine Linux
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Small container of Rclone based on Alpine Linux
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Collection of GitLab CI-CD-Catalog actions. Allows users to build Docker/OCI Container Images.
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Container images for Arch Linux
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This project addresses the challenge of building Docker images for Plex Media Server (PMS) across various architectures, specifically focusing on amd64 and arm64. This is particularly relevant for IoT systems, such as Orange Pi devices, that don't have official Docker images readily available for all architectures.
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PodBastion is a lightweight, ephemeral SSH bastion solution designed specifically for Kubernetes environments. Deployed as a temporary pod, it facilitates secure SSH tunneling for developers and administrators, ensuring rapid yet safe access to specific services within the cluster. Based on the minimal alpine:3.18 image, PodBastion provides public key authentication while prohibiting root logins, merging simplicity with security.
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Bobcat chess engine Linux port
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Ed Schröder's REBEL 15x2 Linux port
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crosstool-NG build container.
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Snippets for saner amd64 assembly for System V ABI and Linux.