Projects with this topic
Ratio graph handling in Python.
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Python Atmospheric Research package for MEteorological TimeSeries and Turbulence ANalysis
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Automate docker images analysis by Trivy and manage related Gitlab issues
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PYthon DEtector CHAracterization This tools aims to provide a tool for detector characterization (acquisition/analysis/reporting)
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Ansammlung wichtiger themenübergreifender mathematischer Definitionen und Sätze, später dann verpackt in Anki in schönem Latex, um die Sprache der Mathematik fließender zu verstehen.
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LAR (log analysis and reporting) aims to track and analyze usage time for specific programs, generating insights and visualizations based on the collected log data
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This repository contains data and code from the paper "Natural gas demand response: Evidence from Germany".
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A Linguistic Analysis App for analyzing certain linguistic aspects made in Streamlit using spaCy
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Create a graph from the links on a website and the following sites.
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CHAPP is a Haloscope Analysis Programming Package (CHAPP)
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Weather Station
This is a (yet another) weather station project. This weather station project aims to incorporate Raspberry Pi's, Arduino's and a wide variety of sensors into an easy-configurable network.
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Analyze audio files and extract useful beat data for Open Hexagon levels.
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Tools for the analysis of baseline in Raman spectrum
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An interactive explanation about Data Science with the exploration of a Case Study realized with Streamlit
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The Python library to connect with the REST API.
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