Projects with this topic
Distributed home servers using Ansible
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Web interface for Enviro and Enviro+ sensor board plugged into a Raspberry Pi.
Measure air quality (pollutant gases and particulates), temperature, humidity, pressure, light and noise.
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Ansible playbooks to manage my Raspberry pi based k3s cluster
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Mistborn is your own virtual private cloud platform and WebUI that manages self hosted services, and secures them with firewall, Wireguard VPN w/ PiHole-DNSCrypt, and IP filtering. Optional SIEM+IDS. Supports 2FA, Nextcloud, Jitsi, Home Assistant, +
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PiVR has been developed to track a variety of animals in real time and present them with light stimuli. Manual can be found at, scientific publication at
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Dockerized Raspotify for Spotify music streaming.
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Take care of your plants by controlling and monitoring them from this Open-source app developed in Python. You can manage different relays, check the temperature, humidity and even watch them on live camera.
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Python OctoPrint controller for keypad connected to the RaspberryPi GPIOs
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Proyecto para Raspberry Pi Pico con un ejemplo de servidor websocket para conectar desde otros dispositivos que hagan de cliente y recibir/enviar datos.
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Proyecto con raspberry pi pico para tener un gadget monitorizando el clima del entorno en tiempo real
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Plantilla para comenzar proyectos con Raspberry Pi Pico en Micropython preparando una clase que representa al controlador con la conexión wireless y sus detalles, lecturas de pines analógicos, medidor de tensión por ADC para baterías de 3,7v y temperatura interna. También se prepara estructura básica para comenzar a desarrollar un proyecto.
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Node managing the state of an ongoing game
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This node gives a voice to the system. It speaks various vocal announces depending on the game progress and state.
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Package providing shared classes and definition related to MQTT
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🦆 Software that turns the Raspberry Pi Pico board into BadUSBUpdated