Projects with this topic
Ansible AWX/Tower Execution Environment containg all of NFC's ansible projects
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Ansible Playbooks
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Dans ce lab, nous allons mettons en place un job (Project - Inventory - Credential - Template) dans l'objectif automatiser le déploiement d'une application web static, nous allons également configurer les webhook afin d'affiner encore plus le comportement de tower à chaque changement sur le repo du projet.
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GitLab-CI pipeline for creating various Ansible execution environments suitable for use with Ansible Controller (Tower), and Ansible AWX
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Ansible Playbook with roles to deploy simple WebApp on Docker Container
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Opinionated repository on how to use ansible-builder in a CI pipeline for producing your own custom Ansible Execution Environments.
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Ansible playbooks to build up Ansible Tower / AWX, and to load it with projects, templates, inventories etc