Projects with this topic
WITio: A MATLAB data evaluation toolbox to script broader insights into big data from WITec microscopes
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Tasker Plugin to automate your Tesla
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A code generation platform for java
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Designed and implemented CI pipelines, including automatic versioning, artifact builds, and dynamic Docker image tagging. Integrated AWS ECR credentials in Jenkins for secure management and pushing of Docker images, ensuring a robust image repository
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Automatização de testes de API utilizando RestAssured em Java para um sistema de e-commerce. Este projeto inclui testes de busca de produtos, autenticação, criação de produtos e status, entre outros. As dependências principais são RestAssured, Allure-Report e Maven. Contribuições são bem-vindas!
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Demo Project that supports the talk "Automate the Developer" for Team Rockstars IT
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Sample Selenium Java Test cases automation for
Covers the following concepts: Java TestNG Selenium Maven Cucumber Gherkin Docker Gitlab
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Sample Selenium Java Test cases automation for
Covers the following concepts: Java TestNG Selenium Maven Cucumber Gherkin Docker Gitlab
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Astronaut is an all-in-one bot for the mars discord server (it's private, sorry!)
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Notes and code from the course Become a Test Automation Engineer. I'm taking this course to get practice with different frameworks than I used as an SDET at OpenX.
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a no-code automation project using java code, docker and gherkin feature files
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QA demo stack:
java, tesng, seleniumUpdated -