Projects with this topic
Conteúdos que serão estudados e desenvolvidos durante o estágio.
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My configuration files for Hyprland and i3wm on Arch Linux and all my used packages as a text file.
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A small service to group people up for coffee breaks. Available at Docs at: ( (Icon from Pinterest at
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Notes and code from the course Become a Test Automation Engineer. I'm taking this course to get practice with different frameworks than I used as an SDET at OpenX.
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A JavaScript starter project that automates the key things you need to build and deploy a standards compliant web-app (Yaks have been shaved).
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Final report for my Google Summer of Code project with Python Software Foundation.
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BACK de l'application Stack technique : ExpressJs, Mocha
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Example Nodejs project that uses the GitLab continuous integration pipelines.
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Example of fully end-end, integrated testing environment using Electron, Mocha, ReactJS, NodeJS (Express) and Browser Monkey.
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Boilerplate stuff for ES6 (and CoffeeScript) projects with support for mocha tests, istanbul coverage reporting and rewire.
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Cyberforce Essentials is a NodeJS based, tested and robust framework that allows to speed up commercial products development in this technology. Currently is used mostly internally and it's a boilerplate for more bespoke versions.
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Cyberforce Essentials Starter is an example web application that relies on CFE (Cyberforce Essentials) package. It can be used as a boiler plate and example for further development.
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All-in-one about Reflective Prism: patterns, video designer and remote player.
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ReactJS and HTML/CSS frontend for a website promoting mental health awareness and describing ways to help at
Backend available at
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A boilerplate for creating node.js cli tools the way I want.
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