Projects with this topic
API4AI is cloud-native computer vision & AI platform for startups, enterprises and individual developers. This repository contains sample mini apps that utilizes Brand Recognition API provided by API4AI.
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Argochain Advisor is a Matrix chatbot that keeps an eye on the Argochain network. You can see Argochain in action in
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Das Projekt ist eine Anwendung, mit der Benutzer dem Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen (EVU) mitteilen können, dass sie auf einen Anschlusszug warten und diesen Zug benötigen, um an ihr Ziel zu gelangen. Die Anwendung bietet eine Benutzeroberfläche, über die Benutzer ihren Standort, Zielbahnhof und geplante Abfahrtszeit angeben können. Diese Informationen werden dann an das EVU übermittelt, um die Planung von Anschlusszügen zu unterstützen und gegebenenfalls zusätzliche Züge oder Kapazitäten bereitzustellen.
Das Frontend des Projekts wurde mit React, Redux und verschiedenen UI-Bibliotheken wie React-Bootstrap, AgGrid, Leaflet, React-Leaflet, react-select und react-datepicker entwickelt. Die Anwendung kommuniziert über Axios als HTTP-Client mit dem Backend, das mit Express und MongoDB entwickelt wurde. Die Echtzeitkommunikation zwischen Frontend und Backend wird über Socket.IO realisiert.
Das Projekt ist auf GitLab gehostet und verwendet Git Actions zur Automatisierung von Build- und Deploy-Prozessen sowie Renovate zur automatischen Aktualisierung von Abhängigkeiten.
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Provides a python solution that allows the description of a guitar fretboard, then generating a dataset representation of it, and allowing the saving of it as a resulting target file. The target file is comprehensive enough to provide information needed by 3d printer or CNC machine software when loaded and processed by it to create an actual guitar fretboard. An example of this included for FreeCAD.
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Adds automation and functionality to Melvor Idle, combining several userscripts into one.
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A portable bash script to save precious time when migrating websites from cPanel to SiteHost Cloud Container servers
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Generador de certificados con Python. PyCertificado es un software para generar certificados a partir de un archivo CSV. El software fue creado con la finalidad de solucionar un problema de automatización para el Programa de Formación de Grado Informática para la Gestión Social de la Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela.
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Web Retriever is a robust Python-based API, designed to fetch and retrieve web resources on behalf of clients. It provides an effective solution when direct internet access is not available to the client or when external resources need to be explicitly defined, like in Envoy configurations.
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Tool to automatically translate a PHP website using "gettext" syntax. i.e echo _("Good Morning");
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Access Indesign CS6 Desktop and/or Server via python and COM
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Ansible Collection for GLPI and integrating with external systems
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GITREPOS is a Python script that simplifies the automation of tasks related to creating, deleting and mirror repositories on GitHub and GitLab
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automated extraction and visualization of geomorphon profiles for GRASS GIS
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Ansible Collection for Netbox and integrating with external systems
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Runs a vulnerability scan using OpalOPC against a target server and creates an HTML and a SARIF report for the scan on completion.
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My personal Python library containing different scripts, programs, configuration files, sample input and output files, and a single repository for these items that are made available using the CDN capabilities of GitLab. Also, this project is a learning tool, to help better understand git programmatically, as well as other concepts such as source control, project management, cloud computing, etc.
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Extension & Automation tool for LinkedIn users, based on the headless Selenium.
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MagicArch is a comprehensive post-installation script built with Ansible, designed to transform a basic Arch Linux installation into a fully equipped Pentesting Distro customized for pentesting and performance. With a focus on security assessments, customization, and performance optimization, MagicArch simplifies the setup process and ensures a tailored environment for pentesting tasks.