Projects with this topic
Acest script automatizează procesul de adăugare a depozitului oficial LibreWolf și instalarea pachetului LibreWolf
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Acest script bash automatizează procesul de instalare a GIMP și a unei serii de plugin-uri pentru GIMP.
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Acest script bash simplifică procesul de instalare a Discord pe sistemele Fedora.
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Acest script automatizează procesul de instalare a aplicației Bitwarden
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The MirrorCommand project provides scripts to enable command control of the MagicMirror system over a local network.
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Fetch and present the current called patient number of the specified Taichung Hospital consultation room for the convenience of handling the timing for the patient to wait at the spot.
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Archive of swedish names between 1999 and 2018. Depricated Linux tools for grabbing name data from Statistiska centralbyråns (SCB) API (now closed). Since 2024 Skatteverket (SKR) is the holder of this data and they do not (yet) have an open API for it.
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A collection of useful bash scripts and a framework for bash scripting.
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.comUpdated -
My dotfiles, small utility programs that I use often, and some scripts for managing it all.
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