Projects with this topic
My mandatory dotfiles repository
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Yet another neovim configuration
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my dot files: curl -fsSL | sh curl -fsSL | sh
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My website upstream repository.
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My configuration files for i3wm, ranger, urxvt, vim and more
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Testing project to verify dotfiles repository.
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YADR - The best vim, git, zsh plugins and the cleanest vimrc you've ever seen (GNU/Linux fork)
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Editors configuration for python development.
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sound rat made with chatgpt prob no updates in the future btw windows only
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One-command setup of new machines (linux, windows, mac) including setting configurations (dotfiles) and installing binaries, securely. Easy to customize to your needs (private branch) and designed to be generic and for multi-user collaboration (master).
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Mirror of original project at
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Test handbook fork