Projects with this topic
My collection of dotfiles and scripts
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Icon was taken from
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Mi guía de estilos para Bash (Español)
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Scripts independientes para tareas específicas. Se ordenan por función/objetivo. Sistemas Operativos obejtivo Debian stable y Fedora stable, esto no quita que puedan ser utilizados o adaptados ligeramente para otros.
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Backup of config files regarding desktop-enviroment
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Deploy Apache (Httpd) on Docker via Terraform
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Deploy Nginx on Docker via Terraform
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Simple cli utility for using fzf to search/list/remove for packages. For use with Pacman or Paru/Yay package managers only.
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A tiny, good looking and dead simple zsh prompt
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A simple (and frankly, bad) package manager for Slackbuilds with dependency resolution.
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Various bash aliases and functions I personally find useful. I personally clone and source this repo on every Linux machine I use.
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Wrapper for sshpass, which is a wrapper for ssh. Enables automatic login which can be configured from your ssh_config.
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Switch between Daily and Studio preset (system tweaks).
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MySQL and MariaDB Tools.
Designed like a proper application within the confines of BASH.
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Sistema p2p torrent de archivo.* Todo se almacena encriptado y no visible sin permiso. Solo lo puede ver el dueño. Debe ser rapido, escalable y altamente disponible. Fin
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CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.