Projects with this topic
Remote control system for LGDXRobot2, including API and UI, develop using .NET
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Gambas is a free development environment and a full powerful development platform based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, as easy as Visual Basic™.
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Opinionated template to bootstrap a Symfony application
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KVLite is a partition-based key-value cache built for SQL RDBMSs:
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Project rebuild with Developer (7,8,9 Jan 2023) arranged by MKT/MIS Team. (Ko Se Thu & Ma Myint Myat)
Nyi Nyi also updated following issues in the system.
Added Client Old ID Filed in Client & Loan Fixed to view & print deposit & disburse voucher for each client Fixed to show branch name & client ID in deposit & disburse voucher When delete loan, it deleted all transactions with relative loan Added sub type & parent with COA Fixed to show all COA Account Code in Trial report Fixed P & L Report with relative COA Code Fixed Balance Sheet Report with relative COA CodeRemark : System ထဲရှိ Accounting Report များသည် ယခင်က Finance Department မှ ပေးထားသော COA အတိုင်း Report များတွင် COA Code အသေဖြင့် ဖော်ပြထားခြင်းဖြစ်သည်။ ယခင်က COA Code များကို အသေရေးထားသည့်အတွက် အပြောင်းအလဲပြုလုပ်လိုလျှင်ဆင်မပြေနိုင်သောကြောင့် dynamic ပုံစံပြောင်းလဲထားပါသည်။ ယခုအခါတွင် COA Code များကို သက်ဆိုင်ရာ Parent & Sub Type များ ချိတ်ဆက်မှု မှန်ကန်ပါက COA Code အသစ်ထပ်တိုးသည့်အခါတွင်လည်း သက်ဆိုင်ရာ COA Code များ အောက်တွင် ဒေတာများ ဝင်ရောက်မည်ဖြစ်သည်။
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The "Clother Storage Management" project is a web-based application designed to streamline the organization, tracking, and management of clothing inventory in warehouses. The system helps businesses efficiently manage their clothing stock, ensuring real-time updates on inventory levels, tracking variations like size and color, and automating key processes to optimize storage and order fulfillment.
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The core service "trading" for the microservice dungeon project of the TH Köln
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The core service "game" for the microservice dungeon project of the TH Köln
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REST API with memcached for a Flash Sale event
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Welcome to Ornata, a robust PHP MVC framework designed to streamline web development with practicality and efficiency. Ornata, formerly known as Lavender, offers a suite of features carefully crafted to support developers in building reliable and scalable applications for real-world projects.
With Ornata, you'll find essential tools such as seamless multi-language management, robust caching mechanisms, and support for dual database connections, providing a solid foundation for your applications.
Security is a top priority for Ornata, with features like Google Authenticator integration and encrypted data storage ensuring the protection of your sensitive information in a pragmatic manner.
Key Features: [Multi-language support, Google Authenticator OTP integration for enhanced security, Three integrated layers: Web, Control Panel, and API, Dual database support (MySQL and SQLite3), Integrated Cronjobs Task Runner and Schema Database Builder, "Encrypia" for secure two-way encryption (Experimental), Dynamic Schema Evolution, Dynamic Caching Power, Ornata CLI Commander, Email Campaign Scheduler, SPA-Ready Integration, Unit Testing, Continuous Development Journey, and even more ...].
In Development: Ornata is currently in dev stage with a focus on simplicity, flexibility, and security.
Curious to read the documentation? Finish Ornata Setup then run this command "ornata documentation" in your project's terminal.
Community Support: While Ornata is still in its early stages, a vibrant community is forming! Get support, discuss your projects, and contribute to Ornata's development on Discord:
Thanks to Mahmoud ElNezany for his library
Thanks for RedBeansPHP ORM
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REST API to manage bookshelf's project data book
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The ACP3 CMS is a highly customizable and easy to use web content management system based on PHP and MySQL.
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ICL : Intellisrc Common Library : This library can help you to write less code and speedup the development of your next great application. It is particularly designed to accomplish most of the common tasks required by backend services.
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Une plateforme de gestion de projet collaboratif destinée aux équipes de développement logiciel, permettant de planifier, suivre et collaborer sur des projets de manière efficace.
🌐 Web : https://angular-frontend.up.railway.appUpdated -
The problems I have solved in hackerrank platform, codes lies here.
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Using Python & SQL to analyze dataset containing every game from 2018-2019 English Premier League Soccer season
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SpotOn, an Open Source geo-location based Attendance Management System.
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A simple form, made with HTML and CSS. The form uses a PHP script, to generate a confirmation message and stores the form data in a database.