big data
Projects with this topic
WITio: A MATLAB data evaluation toolbox to script broader insights into big data from WITec microscopes
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Distributed storage for digital forensic data with data/metadata repository, API for queries and incoming/outgoing data, indexing, plug-in system for yet unsupported data-types, etc.
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This project was an exercise for the Master in Big Data Engineering and Data Science at "Universidad Autónoma de Madrid". See the for more information.
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DP3 is an algorithm for distributed and shared-memory parallel Frequent Itemsets Mining.
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Stack Exchange releases "data dumps" of all its publicly available content roughly every three months via
This project is an example and a framework for building ETL for this data with Apache Spark and Java.
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This project aggregates trending data from Ukraine based Twitter accounts. The raw aggregated data is cleansed before analysis using some Big-data methods. The purpose of this project is to familiarize myself with the workings of Hadoop for HDFS and Map-Reduce infrastructure.
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Scaffolding for data stream processing applications, leveraging Apache Flink.
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Scaffolding for Map/Reduce applications, leveraging Apache Hadoop.