Projects with this topic
Reliable PostgreSQL Backup & Restore
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A C++ 20/23 cross-platform header-only library which provides a set of facilities for asynchronous/parallel programming built on the basis of object-oriented and functional approaches fusion.
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Outflow is a framework that helps you create and execute sequential, parallel as well as distributed task workflows.
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Fast Concurrent / Parallel Sorting in Go
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This is a small class to share a resource with multiple threads safely.
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Parallel mysqldump in Python
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Set of Feature Selection Tools that make use of parallel environments through CUDA, MPI and Threads
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Example running Cypress split across N GitLab CI machines without using an external service.
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A parallelism library for Vala and GObject
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Очередь параллельного исполнения заданий для php фреймворка yii2
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Xunit でメソッド単位で並行テストをする。
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A pipelined-concurrency service that automatically processes video files to be imported for a home movie server. Implemented in Golang.
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Ejercicios, apuntes y practicas de Programación de Arquitecturas Multinúcleo (PAM)
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A portable system administration and software automation toolkit
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A tool to run cypress tests in parallel
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DP3 is an algorithm for distributed and shared-memory parallel Frequent Itemsets Mining.
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Implementation of a real-time 6D SLAM framework in OpenCL 作者的个人主页:
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Problemset 1, INF236 Parallel Programming, Spring 2019 UIB