Projects with this topic
Board game recommendation engine:
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Board game data scraper. Live view:
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Recommend.Games blog:
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Online gaming library Alexandria, containing information about Role-Playing scenarios, LARPs, conventions, board game designers, and much more.
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Board game recommendation service:
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This is an engine for playing and solving the Input(tm) board game.
This project has an implementation of the game rules, a solver that uses retrograde analysis, and a very simple non-interactive client for showing how to use game solution data.
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GRIN -- Game of Roleplay, Immersion & Narrative -- ролевая система, основанная на системах Мира Тьмы и Троице, посвящённая обитателям мира Ремнант и вдохновлённая таким анимационным произведением, как RWBY (в мире которого, собственно, всё и происходит).
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C++ implementation of Noughts and Crosses (a.k.a. Tic Tac Toe). No interactive code, just the core library supplied as a .cc and a .hh file.
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Discord bot that allows you to play «Jobs '97» game with your friends!
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A GTK crossword game, based on popular games such as Scrabble and Words With Friends