Projects with this topic
Base to quickly start an Ansible project at Lydra
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Aplicación base en Django para la gestión de usuarios, permisos, roles, posts
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Bootstrap 5 Based theme for @chez14's projects.
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A practice project designed to showcase modern web development techniques for creating a responsive a travel and tourism company website.
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World Health Project, a practice exercise to enhance web development skills by creating a static webpage.
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Constructo is a practice project to showcase modern web development techniques for creating a responsive and visually appealing construction company website.
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The Bondi Project is a practice exercise aimed at enhancing web development skills. This project focuses on creating a sleek, responsive webpage, showcasing creativity and technical skills.
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Bootstrap Project for lighting-control
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The SalesStream dashboards is an application for monitoring and analyzing revenue data in real time. By leveraging the power of Apache Spark and Apache Kafka, this system ensures that financial data is processed efficiently and in a timely manner, providing companies with up-to-date insights into their revenue streams.
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Website to animate and manage student organizations
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Test handbook fork
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An Ansible playbook to bootstrap and create other roles.
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An Ansible playbook to bootstrap and create other playbooks.
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An Ansible role to bootstrap and create other roles.
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An Ansible role to bootstrap and create other playbooks.
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Cette page web affiche vos commits GitLab, vos projets et les groupes dans lesquels ils sont. Il affiche aussi votre profil.
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MyBB with Minus World plugins, themes, and core modifications.
Credentials + configuration files are not hosted here.
MUST be closed source due to relying on the Respond theme as a base