Projects with this topic
Machine Learning - Binary Classification
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification (NLP)
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All movie, tv, and game rating icons (WIP)
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification
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Machine Learning - Multiclass Classification
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification
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Machine Learning - Multiclass Classification
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A Tensor Network-based classifier, arXiv:2106.08334 [hep-ph]
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Machine Learning - Multiclass Classification
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Machine Learning - Classification Problem
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification
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A web app that classifies drawn digits with an image classification model trained on the MNIST dataset.
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Bitmap binary representation number recognition using bayes classification which developed using Java.
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K-NN Model with validation (Holdout, K-Fold, and LOO) and normalization.
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Use machine and deep learning to predict taekwondo moves from video
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Learning in the Wild with Incremental Skeptical Gaussian Processes