Projects with this topic
Endgoal: a comparison of categorisation algorithms and techniques for a specific task (regression models for auction bidding data to determine bid categories) Most of the work: data preprocessing and aggregation
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Evaluación de distintos modelos para clasificar aguas entre potables y no potables
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Финальная работа по курсу Введение в DS от Skillbox. Цель: анализ данных сервиса СберАвтоподписка, предсказание совершения целевого действия пользователя и подготовка модели к деплою в продакшн. Метрика: ROC-AUC
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project for module 33.Airflow in the course "Basic Data Science" at Skillbox.
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Exercícios de programação da disciplina MAC0460 - Introdução ao Aprendizado de Máquina ministrada pela professora Nina Sumiko Tomita Hirata no Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo no primeiro semestre de 2021.
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification (NLP)
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification (NLP)
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Machine Learning - Multiclass Classification
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification
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Machine Learning - Multiclass Classification
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Machine Learning - Multiclass Classification
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification
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