Projects with this topic
We are working on a cascade detector based on YOLOv5s and a classifier, for detecting both shapes and characters, and we're planning to recognize also colors in the future.
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How much smoothing should we apply to estimate densities for classification?
Fall 2019 MA 750 Nonparametric and Semiparametric Data Modeling
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In this work is made a exploratory data analysis (EDA) and category classification of the news posted in HuffPost using the Headlines and Short Descriptions of these news.
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Yet another implementation of some algo for smooth pursuit (following) eye movements, trying to avoid duplicate work already present in publications.
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Source Code for the implementation used on my Master Degree Thesis.
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Repositório do código-fonte para o artigo publicado no ENIAC 2018.
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Classificadores NN, DMC, CQ, LMQ. Trabalho desenvolvido em disciplina de Reconhecimentos de Padrões, em programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia de Teleinformática, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Tecnologia, Campus do Pici.
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Naive bayes classifier for poem
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Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation (BRATS) Challenge 2019
Training of deep networks for medical image segmentation tasks Network and training strategy that relies on the strong use of data augmentationUpdated -
Mi Band 3 sensors are used to recognize and track fitness acitivities trough machine learning.
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This project contains the code of the implementation of the approach proposed in I. Gallo, A. Calefati, S. Nawaz and M.K. Janjua, "Image and Encoded Text Fusion for Multi-Modal Classification", DICTA2018, Canberra, Australia.
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A pyGTK and vlc based application to hand-annotate audio and video files for classification tasks.
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A project to classify NYT articles based on the content. Uses Naive Bayes Classifiers and Neural Network. Compares the performances of the Classifiers.
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Testing functions and features of a music production utility app.
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Spatial transformer CNN in tensorflow. Architecture explored in the early days of the project that led to (
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Atividade desenvolvida para as disciplina de Classificação e Pesquisa de Dados 2016/1, onde será implementado e comparado algoritmos de classificação.
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An implementation of the generalised Discriminative Restricted Boltzmann Machine