Projects with this topic
A static analysis tool to draw an application map, which is similar to a context map although more accurate and detailed.
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Specification for Stateless OpenPGP Command-Line Interface
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🔄 synchronize projects via yaml/json manifest. built on libvcsUpdated -
CLI tool for compressing end XOR encoding file.
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Small tool for opening URL's based on the current git repo. I.e. opening the latest pipeline run for the current branch
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Calculates one-time passwords for two-factor authentication.
Read-only mirror of
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My personal fork of st; a terminal emulator developed by suckless.
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(Mirror for CI/CD) (Work In Progress!) Polonium is a deliberate file corrupter simulating Polonium radiation, damaging files as if bits of file are exposed to it. It modifies file contents, causing degradation or information loss by bit flipping. Written in ISO C99.
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A collection of small programs, most of which I wrote as a teenager.
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A simple C++ Base64 (RFC 4648) converter. Includes a library and a command-line tool.
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Surfraw - Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web
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A framework for building bash scripts that accept arguments.
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General installers for Ubuntu server
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A CLI logger that outputs emojified log messages and also acts as a CLI for Glamour (gorgeous terminal markdown rendering library)
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Tagit is a Linx CLI tool for adding, getting, listing, removing, deleting, and searching tags on files via xattr.