Projects with this topic
✉ Mirror of the NeoMutt Project -- -- -
Specification for Stateless OpenPGP Command-Line Interface
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CLI tool for compressing end XOR encoding file.
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My personal fork of st; a terminal emulator developed by suckless.
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(Mirror for CI/CD) (Work In Progress!) Polonium is a deliberate file corrupter simulating Polonium radiation, damaging files as if bits of file are exposed to it. It modifies file contents, causing degradation or information loss by bit flipping. Written in ISO C99.
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A collection of small programs, most of which I wrote as a teenager.
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The Oyjl API provides a platformindependent C interface for JSON I/O, conversion to and XML + YAML, string helpers, file reading, testing and argument handling.
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Command line utility to generate a random password with uppercase, lowercase, and special characters and returns it. You can define the length of the password by passing it to the program.
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Program written in C that will render random coloured rectangulars in the terminal, while the font, speed, density, color, ratio and number of the shapes drawn are fully costumizable.
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CLI utility to navigate INSPIRES and arXiv.
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custom linux config files
🍚 as seen on r/unixporn #noricenolife neovim cultist -
Create hierarchies of multiple items through one-against-one comparisons
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The tool packs abc music notation file(s) into a html page for notes reading and listening. Informations are provided for listing titles, files and paths. Filtering of ABC files is possible.
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The tool converts wave audio files to mp3. The Lame API is used to encode the audio.
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This project implements the FreeRTOS-IO for FreeRTOS-Plus-CLI, this is a port for stm32 mcu from the offical example.
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Generate, print and solve sudoku riddles in CLI. Written in C programming language.
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SerialCom is a multithreaded program writen in C to communicate through the serial port.