Projects with this topic
A wide range of scripts for Windows interpreter (cmd.exe) and other interpreters such as bash shell (.sh), visual basic (.vbs), jscript (.js), python (.py), perl (.pl) and so on. Plus some set of standalone console utilities and tools aside other utilities and tools from cygwin, msys and mingw. •
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Collection of scripts to compare, convert, copy, move, rename, create, edit, select, operate and etc using file or directory path lists.
Designed as Total Commander plugin for 10.51+.
Sources contains Total Commander button bars and 32x32 icon files.
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Set of batch scripts (experimental) for the svn command line tools including the svn command line tools (Win32) as is from: * TortoiseSVN * CollabNet * SlikSVN * Cygwin * VisualSVN * win32svn
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untitled-batch-game-engine-old-abandoned - abandoned batch text-adventure-game engine alpha, written in Windows 7 flavoured Batch cmd script, FOR WINE ON LINUX. Abandoned, archived.
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This script allows you to backup any files and databases into directory and copy to rsync server
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A repository of batch scripts I made that simplify Windows and Windows products activation via a local KMS server emulator
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Aristocript es un script realizado como una actividad de clase, pero debido a su posible potencial y a que el mismo ayuda con problemas que surgen en la administración de sistemas he decidido darle soporte a través de este repositorio.
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Suicide linux, but It's Windows Command Prompt!