Projects with this topic
Sharing your VSCode config with your colleagues and friends, as simple as just running a script !
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This repository hosts my configuration and dotfiles, along with python utilities to get my systems up-and-running to my standard preferences.
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Following Gitlab's annoying policy changes, this project sadly moves to Github.
Gitlab: Open Source users do also Open Source NOT to bother with boring admin stuff. Asking Open Source devs to fill up forms for Open Source projects to remain Open Source projects in your own DB is not the way to go unless you want those projects to go... away...
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Most simple way to create config files.
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Configuration of Amazon API Gateway for the SoCraTes website backend.
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Moved back to
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My Sublime Text 3 Settings with installed packages and its configuration
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Instalador para gentoo que me facilita el trabajo a la hora de reinstalar siguiendo unos patrones de preferencias
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Instala y Configura en Fedora GNU/Linux todo el entorno y personalización del usuario de acuerdo a mis gustos, enfocado a desarrollo web. Actualmente está fusionado en:
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