Projects with this topic
Cobilas Core Net4x is a utility library for CSharp.
Doc: https://belicusbr.github.io/com.cobilas.docs/core-net4x-getting-started.html
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The package contains utility classes in csharp for godot engine.
Doc: https://belicusbr.github.io/com.cobilas.docs/gd-utility-getting-started.html
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A .NET app to farm Microsoft/Bing Rewards points.
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WizBot is a Discord chatbot based off Nadeko created by Kwoth & modified by Wizkiller96
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SuCoS (JuiCeS, in Portuguese) is a Static Site Generator written in C#.
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Учебный курс "Разработка приложений на языке C#" для Nordic IT School. Поток 6 (12 марта 2024 - 01 августа 2024)
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An C# implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing.
Forked from https://github.com/shinji-san/SecretSharingDotNet
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Custom open-source Discord bot for the International Developers Association.
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The "KIIT Library Management System" is a comprehensive Full Stack Application developed for KIIT University using .NET Framework, C#.NET, Windows Forms, and MS SQL Server. This application integrates a C# backend with a Windows Forms frontend, executing SQL queries to manage and retrieve data such as book details, student records etc.
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Desktop GUI app prototype, on Linux, in C# / DotNet[5|6] / GtkSharp, using VSCode / Glade.
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Experimental Nintendo Switch emulator written in C#
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Учебный курс "Разработка приложений на языке C#" для Nordic IT School. Поток 4 (08 августа 2023 - 14 декабря 2023)
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Fetch gitlab-ci pipelines and see their job-details in a simple table with just "one" click.
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Mast is a C# library providing functional and concise ways to adopt the concept of Coroutine independently of Unity. It is developed and open-sourced by Rayark Inc under the MIT license.