Projects with this topic
Custom bash prompt and scripts
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Setting up a Kubernetes cluster in Qemu VMs
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This is an unofficial open-source cross-platform alternative to the official Elgato Control Center application.
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Learning signing Launchpad API requests with shell commands.
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This is just using as module for my container registry
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a command-line interface for Reddit written in POSIX sh
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Download a file only if the remote file has changed.
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These are Collection of Shell scripts I often use
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BASH Scripts for interacting with Mastodon's REST API and Org-mode Blog
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Debian, some essential widely needed tools like gpg, curl and aria2c
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[github mirror] convert-to-requests - convert curl/fetch command to python requests
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Learning playground for Hurl HTTP tests integrated into GitLab CI/CD, including JUnit test reports.
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Batch script for basic URL checking from Windows command prompt using cURL.
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check the expiry of GPG keys by their URLs and output status in JSON format
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[Mirror of, please DO NOT send any pull request as they will be ignored]
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Modify the RSS feed of video hosting sites to display the embedded video instead of the standard video player.