Projects with this topic
Maintaining and deploying a collection of self-hosted apps using Docker Compose, deployed via GitLab Runners.
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ST_LUCAS deployment package.
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Linnaeus is a program/app developed by Naturalis to setup and manage taxonomic databases.
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The Docker PaaS you've been looking for.
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A superset docker setup ready to configure just via environment variables and secret files. Comes with a compose file for local development and testing.
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Repository for OPS stuff and helper tools for deployment
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JIRA DC Management using Docker & Docker Compose
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Collaborate with your flatmates
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Postgres DB + Crawlers and Scrapers for Apache HOP
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This repo functions as a guide to show how to setup nextcloud in a docker compose setup. The components are: nextcloud:31-fpm, redis, postgres and nginx as webserver. To make nextcloud available to the internet, we use caddy as a reverse proxy and to provide automated SSL certificates.
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Infrastructure-as-code project for my self-hosting hobby and more.
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rousse à outils IA pour le journalisme moderne
Une collection d'outils alimentés par l'intelligence artificielle pour aider les journalistes à vérifier, analyser et créer du contenu en toute confiance à l'ère de la désinformation numérique.
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sql server 之 docker compose 設定
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PHP Symfony Project in Symfony 5 PHP 8 for learning purpose : PHP, Symfony, CI/CD
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A collection of Ansible playbooks and roles to manage the different services running on
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Open Source Embedded C/C++ Project Template with dockerized development environment and MISRA C/C++ support.
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Ce tutoriel vous guidera dans la création d'un environnement Docker pour exécuter WordPress en local.
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docker-compose.yml for OpenBioMaps infrastructure
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Converts commands between docker run and docker compose.