Projects with this topic
Tools and AI for building prosocial AI algorithms... automatically.
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Shiny is becoming a popular publishing service, unfortunately, not every application can be deployed on servers. This tutorial demonstrates a simple means by which to deploy a shiny app to desktop.
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We apply data science on the Technical Debt Dataset to uncover anti-patterns in the development of several open-source projects, while also providing guidelines that help reduce this debt. Code is open-source and transferrable to other projects.
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k8s documentation for CDAS
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Project with a set of studies about statistics
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O objetivo do projeto é desenvolver um sistema de recuperação textual utilizando diferentes mecanismos de indexação. Além disso, o projeto consiste em comparar as diferentes estratégias desenvolvidas por meio de métricas de avaliação.
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Personal website forked from the example Hugo site using GitLab Pages:
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Exploit scikit-learn to predict insolvency on Detroit's house-maintenance penalties
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A Django application to teach data science
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Webapp which can display and forecast COVID-19 pandemic data
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2018 Data Science Project
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The main project of this portfolio is to demonstrate my skill solving business challenges though my knowledge and tools of data science.
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🍷 Análise da explicabilidade qualitativa do vinho portuguêsUpdated -
This is an essay on how to organise a Data Science project in a collaborative way. It is a project carried out in the framework of practical work in an academic capacity. This repository is intended to be informative and organisational.
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The project deals with the classification of more than 100+ flowers the project is a cv capstone project.
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Repositório com todo o conteúdo para a disciplina de "Modelos e Frameworks de Machine Learning", da Escola de Negócios Sustentare.
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Projection Mapping regional COVID-19 infections in real time on an abstract painting with the help of matter.js, p5.js and maptastic.js.
Project story is here:
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Data Science of Digital Health: Lectures and code for the University of California Data Science for Digital Health course at UCSD Extension.