Projects with this topic
SIA - C++/Python library for model-based stochastic estimation and optimal control
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Intervention for "Science by the numbers"
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Angonoka is a time estimation software based on statistical modeling.
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Estimación y clasificación no paramétrica Trabajo Práctico Final para la materia Teoría de Detección y Estimación Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires
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2018 Data Science Project
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Companion software and Jupyter notebooks for the paper:
B. Cloud, B. Tarien, A. Liu, T. Shedd, X. Lin, M. Hubbard, P. Crawford, and J. Moore, "Adaptive smartphone-based sensor fusion for estimating competitive rowing kinematic metrics", 2019.
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Source files for "Adaptive smartphone-based sensor fusion for estimating competitive rowing kinematic metrics". This is a clone of the Overleaf project
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Noise level prediction based on NoiseLevelObserved context elements
#AtomicService #AI #TimeSeriesPrediction
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Monte Carlo methods to estimate the average distance between randomly chosen points in a region
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