Projects with this topic
Автоматизированное создание веток для релиз-кандидатов с проверкой прохождения Pipeline в GitlabCI
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Автоматизированное получение сертификатов Let's encrypt
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DevOps technical check-in for software engineers onboarding to MyCareersFuture
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A multifunction bot using Django as ORM and web interface. Accessible on
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Another example of a full app CI/CD using Gitlab + K8s
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Examples of how to implement CI/CD on Gitlab using Kubernetes services
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A way to gracefully shutdown your applications for when Openshift goes into Maintenance =)
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This repository will help you understand the need for NetDevOps, get familiar with its core principles, and provide an open source implementation of a NetDevOps workflow for you to play with.
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I gonna push docker image to aws ecr.
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Projeto responsável por criar o pipeline inicial para o sistema SAAPI - Sistema de Auditoria da Polícia Inteligente.
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Tugas kelompok 5 softland modul pembelajaran devops bisa ai batch 3
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My DevBlog on
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This repository, is meant for Practicing with Infrastructure as code using technologies like:
Gitlab CI/CD Terraform Ansible