Projects with this topic
Command line application to update popular third party software on Windows operating systems easily
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Common guidelines related to programming, software craftsmanship, debugging etc.
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MiniTrails is a control software for the homonym hardware developed by Audiomatica Firenze in collaboration with the Centro Tempo Reale between 1989 and 1997 devoted to real-time spatialization of sounds. This repository is here as a reference for sustainability projects involving all the musical productions that were developed with this system.
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LeakNet is a patch for the leaked Half-Life 2 beta build in 2003.
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Software-Migration planen und durchführen
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DERANDERE. Technology, IT, software development. PipetBot-A8 - A DIY lab robot made from 3D printer, its firmware Marlin2ForPipetBot and the lab robot control software GGCGen with its Opentrons-compatible backend pyotronext.
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Command-line notes on various topics and software
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GitScope — это программа на C# для быстрого поиска последних релизов на GitHub.
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ESCAPE OSSR library -
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🚀 The Docker-based, DevContainer development environment for multi-language projectsUpdated -
Ensures Snap is installed and properly configured on Linux systems
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GenDoc is kind of a preprocessor for docToolchain. It helps you documenting your project following the Arc42 approach.
2023-02-09, Holger Zahnleiter
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Lyconv is a piece-specific converter for sequential data in lilypond notation. It has been worked out for the piece Studi (1994)
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Useful tools, software, libraries, roadmaps, blogs etc.
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cport - менеджер системы портов дистрибутива Calmira GNU/Linux. Входит в состав CABS (Calmira Automated Build System).
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Website for the SimCav program:
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Laser cavity design and simulation.