Projects with this topic
Rasterising & Ray-tracing in C# with SIMD vectors, based on the book "Computer Graphics From Scratch" by Gabriel Gambetta.
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Multi platform Hompes - Belajar agama Islam dari genggaman anda.
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Simplified simulation of a rover on another planet for educational purposes. The simulation is run and monitored on the teachers computer, with the students controlling the rover remotely over the Internet.
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Official repository of Overtest LMS. Here you can get actual sources for "Web Application" and "Testing Agent", bundled with all the tools you need to run your own Overtest instance. Project's website:
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Unity3D Projekt zur Erklärung der Engine anhand eines modularen Rennspiels
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It's a little program made with unity. You can see the atomic structure of semiconductors and diodes and you can move the electrons. The program is in german.
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Ejemplo de reconocimiento de objetos para curso de UTN.BA
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Ejemplo de marcadores cilíndricos para curso de UTN.BA
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Ejemplo de publicidad con AR para curso de UTN.BA
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Ejemplos de Vuforia para curso de UTN.BA
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Ejemplo de marcadores planos para curso de UTN.BA
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Ejemplo juego AR para curso de UTN.BA