Projects with this topic
An example of bootstrapping an EKS Kubernetes cluster via Terraform/OpenTofu.
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Use EKS to further enhance our CI/CD pipelines.
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Terraform module to Provision AWS Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) cluster and associated resources including VPC, Subnets, Internet Gateway, Nat Gateways, EKS Cluster, EKS Cluster Nodes, IAM Roles
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A tool to help manage EKS authentication configuration.
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A terraform configuration to setup the ready-to-go Kubernetes cluster and connect to GitLab [PoC]
This project heavily rely on Terraform and Helm3 to setup infrastructure services
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Gitlab-runner running in EKS, with autoscales for jobs and argocd for deployments.
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Terragrunt/terraform template to provision a gitlab-runner using eks and fargate
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A terraform configuration to create an AWS EKS / DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster and connect to GitLab [PoC]
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Dockerfile to create and EKS toolbox container with tools like: kubectl, eksctl, helm, aws-iam-authenticator and terraform all used in a oh-my-zsh with the powerlevel 9k tools and more...