Projects with this topic
QEMU main repository: Please see https://www.qemu.org/docs/master/devel/submitting-a-patch.html for how to submit changes to QEMU. Pull Requests are ignored. Please only use release tarballs from the QEMU website. http://www.qemu.org
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A simple easy-to-use launcher for the ParallelN64 emulator
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Xcpc - Amstrad CPC emulator for Linux, BSD, Unix [this repository is a mirror]
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Runescape revision 530 single-player https://github.com/rsemu/singleplayer
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Retro gaming platform based on RetroPie for Arch Linux based systems.
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A Windows 10 focused fork of Dosbox-X with fluidsynth MIDI output. Visit the website https://tw3.gitlab.io/dbxf
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A reproducible way to build a git repo representing historical bsnes/higan development