Projects with this topic
This project comprises a combination of software and hardware components designed to extract Controller Area Network (CAN) messages and generate practical gadgets. The primary objective is to receive CAN messages from a bus, extract the CAN-ID and Data from them, and subsequently transmit this information over ESPNow. The gadgets serve as ESPNow receivers, responsible for filtering and processing the received CAN-IDs and data to perform specific useful tasks.
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Simple fan assistant system project
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Add IoT capabilities to existing devices, using an ESP8266 module and a Unity based AR application. Communication will happen over MQTT, allowing you to control your devices from anywhere in the world.
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Forked from with a few minor customizations
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. Inspiration: Sonic Runway, Burning Man 2016.
. First project with Arduino -
. The latest version uses esp8266 and has a web-server interface for changing patterns.
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A ESP8266 microcontroller project to control an AC-powered fan based on humidity readings using Ardiuno CLI.
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ESP8266-based wireless connectivity monitor and modem reset IoT-ish device
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A motion detection tool to help students visualize time vs. distance on a graph. This project uses the ESP8266, micropython, and the US-100 ultrasonic distance sensor.
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Herramienta de monitoreo de variables climaticas para la generación de alertas tempranas para mitiga los efectos de las heladas en los cultivos del departamento de Boyaca- Col
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Wireless controlled power outlet // stop kontak yang dapat di kontrol lewat jaringan wifi
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Application to monitor environment of a server rack and share data through http server locally hosted on ESP8266. The application features AJAX service with sensor fault identification and captive portal to manage WiFi Connectivity.
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Sabre TV had no remote. ESP8266 to the rescue.
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Thermostat d'ambiance multizone libre. Interface utilisateur et communication entre les composants en wifi.
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A REST micro framework for micro controllers using MicroPyhton