Projects with this topic
Bluetooth gamepad support for the Commodore 64 / Atari / Amiga, etc.
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This project comprises a combination of software and hardware components designed to extract Controller Area Network (CAN) messages and generate practical gadgets. The primary objective is to receive CAN messages from a bus, extract the CAN-ID and Data from them, and subsequently transmit this information over ESPNow. The gadgets serve as ESPNow receivers, responsible for filtering and processing the received CAN-IDs and data to perform specific useful tasks.
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My Rust project for an ESP32 power socket with an BME280 temperature+humidity sensor, controlling the 230V power outlet with a 5V-relay, displaying it's status via an 128x32 pixel mono color LCD display which can be operated via http (wifi) or directly using the 10 touch fields.
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WiFi/BLE communication module (M&M WiFi/BLE Board)
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Small CircuitPython app to use a cheap AI Thinker ESP32 CAM board as a camera for Prusa Connect.
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A device for indoor cycling workouts
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A simple project that reads an ISO7816 smartcard without a dedicated IC
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Bluetooth gamepad, mouse and keyboard support for ESP32 and Raspberry Pi PicoW
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Examples for a ESP32 WROOM32 using ESP-IDF
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Home automation with an ESP32 using ESP-IDF and Home-Assistant over MQTT
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ESP32 Wi-Fi access point with webpages to enable/disable the alarm. Loud siren alarm triggered by AM312 PIR sensor.
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HydroNexa adalah sistem monitoring dan kontrol hidroponik otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler ESP32 yang terintegrasi dengan platform data InfluxDB. Sistem ini dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan tanaman dengan memantau dan mengendalikan parameter lingkungan seperti pH, konsentrasi nutrisi (TDS), dan pencahayaan. Data sensor dikumpulkan secara real-time dan dikirim ke InfluxDB untuk visualisasi dan analisis lebih lanjut. HydroNexa bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, produktivitas, dan kemudahan dalam budidaya tanaman hidroponik.
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Control the "fil pilote" of a electric heater with an ESP32 using Tasmota
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ESP32 code for receiving data from helmets via bluetooth
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ESP-IDF template that has Arduino and Bluepad32 built-in.
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Makes the BCD-0o27 a robot player that plays against a human on a connected Mini Cyberdeck 0o00 (MCD-0o00) .
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ESP32 based micro computer collecting data and controlloring lights of Fordson Dexta (1961) tractor.
It just might be that WizFi360 idea competition provides this device to be used...
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